73470-28421, 88720-56094 ckdimtasr2223@gmail.com

Rules & Regulations

General Rules & Regulations

University Examinations

The University Examinations are conducted, at the end of each semester as per the prescribed scheme of examination for each discipline and the date-sheet is notified by the University through its website.

College Identity Card

At CKDIMT, each student is issued an ID Card after their admission in the college. It is mandatory for every student to carry identity Card to the college daily.

Attendance Requirement

In order to enable a student to appear in the semester examination, he/she should have attended at least 75% of the scheduled lectures/tutorials/laboratory classes. A student is marked present only when he/she attends the class. A student having less than 75% attendance shall be detained and allowed to appear in the subsequent examination only after acquiring the desired level of attendance.

Anti-Ragging Cell

The main objective of this cell is to control any kind of teasing, treating or handling students with rudeness. The key responsibility of members of this Cell is to maintain the decorum and discipline in the Institute.

Guidelines for the Attention of Parents and Students

  • Parents/Guardians of the students are required to read the prospectus carefully before signing the Admission form. Once the form is signed, the total responsibility of having read the rules and regulations shall lie upon the parents and the students and they shall be bound by the same.
  • Any student found guilty of misbehavior, disobedience shall be rusticated from the Institute.
  • Ragging is strictly prohibited in the college campus as per the decision of Hon'ble Supreme Court. Any Student caught indulging in ragging shall be severely punished as per Law. AICTE has recommended a system of prohibition, prevention and punishment to put an end to the menace of ragging.
  • As per the directions of the High Court, students are not supposed to travel in unsafe vehicles like trucks/tractors in their own interest. They are further advised to strictly observe traffic rules and wear helmets.
  • Attendance of the students in the House Tests conducted by the college is compulsory. The college will take strict action against students, who are absent from the House Tests. The Internal Assessment marks shall be based on performance in house tests, assignments, project work and class participation.
  • Clearance of all dues should be done before the completion of semester. In case of non-fulfillment of any of above conditions he/she shall be detained from appearing in the final examinations of the PTU.
  • Condemnation of shortage of lectures up to 10% of lectures attended is the Principal's discretion and not a student's right.
  • Students are required to secure minimum 40% marks in each subject from internal assessment and external marks separately to get the pass result of semester.
  • Students are advised not to bring outsiders and their friends in the college campus without the permission of Principal. The trespasser shall be dealt as per law.

Note: The rules/provisions contained in the Prospectus are subject to change by the Principal/Management/AICTE/PTU/Punjab Govt. /UGC and shall be enforceable accordingly.